【同义词辨析】 2020-07-16 相同same-equal

same: may imply that the things under consideration are one thing OR, although distinct, have no appreciable difference: we took the same ~ on the ~ day.   appreciable明显的applies to what is distinctly discernible or measurable能清楚明显的观察测量,如an appreciable increase in temperature气温明显上升

selfsame: always implies that the things under consideration are one thing and not two or more things: it was the ~ ring I had lost years ago.     如you find yourself worshipped by the self-same people who beat you up at school你发现现在崇拜你的人恰恰是之前在学校里痛打你的同一群人

very: like selfsame, implies identity: you're the ~ person I've been looking for.     identity 1、个性特征characteristics that distinguish people from others 2、身份imeans who a person is,这里表示身份

identical: may imply self-sameness OR suggest absolute agreement in all details: their test answers were ~(不是同一份答案,但完全一致)   又如this is the identical room we stayed in last year这就是我们去年住的那个房间(表示同一个);如identical twin同卵双胞胎(来自同一个卵子)

equivalent: implies amounting to the same thing in worth or significance: two houses of ~ market value.       amount to接近near the same,如the confessions were obtained by what amounts to torture这些供状是用近乎逼供的方式得来的

equal: implies correspondence in value, magnitude, or some specified quality and therefore equivalence: divided it into ~ shares.   correspond匹配互补呼应

same相同: 表示是同一事物,或无差别,selfsame同一个: 永远表示同一事物,very同一个: 同上,指身份相同,identical: 指同一事物或完全一致,equivalent等价: 指价值重要性近乎相同,equal相等: 这里也表示等价等效

记忆方法: 1)首字母SSVIEE分解成SEE看+词根VIS看,即看两遍<==都相同             ""是会意字,从冃从口,1、原义是"聚集、一起",如会同合同共同同乘同乐同居同甘苦 2、引申为"一样"即相同,如同义词同名共同等同同一个世界

        2)相同的意思是没有差异mean not different or not differing from one another or others.